01 Jun Epithets for Hector, Son of Priam and Prince of Troy
Sabidius has prepared this item as a tribute to his grandson Hector Charles Metcalfe.
A number of epithets are used by Homer to describe the Trojan hero Hector in Homer’s “Iliad”. These are listed below, according as to whether they are general epithets that might apply to others as well or whether they have a more specific reference to the actual attributes of Hector himself. Of the latter, “Hector of the shining (or flashing) helmet” is perhaps the most common and best known, but the final book of the “Iliad” – Book XXII – ends with the words “Hector, tamer of horses.”
In the list below each epithet is written in Ancient Greek, with a transliteration in brackets, followed by a translation.
1. διίφιλος (diiphilos) – beloved of Zeus.
2. δῖος (dios) – godlike.
3. μέγας (megas) – mighty.
4. φαίδιμος (phaidimos) – glorious.
1. ἀνδρόφανος (androphanos) – manslaying.
2. ἱππόδαμος (hippodamos) – tamer of horses.
3. κορυφαίολος (koryphaiolos) – of the shining helmet.
4. χαλκοκορυστής (chalkokorystes) – bronze-armoured.
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