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Latin Translation / 02.02.2014

Introduction. Of the three books of "Odes" published by Horace in 23 B.C., this, the second book, is the shortest, containing only twenty poems. It is also the most uniform in form, as eighteen of these twenty are composed in the Aeolian metres of Alcaeus (12) and of Sappho (6). The tone of these odes is also the most serious in tone, and the most limited in range, with only three (viz. carmina 4, 5 and 8) dealing with themes of love. The text for this translation is taken from...

Latin Translation / 17.01.2014

In the stirring battle scene at the beginning of this exciting film, the heroic general Maximus Decimus Meridius, played by Russell Crowe, makes the following two statements. In both cases the following Latin translations are offered by Sabidius: (1) "At my command, unleash Hell!" Latin: "Me iubente, solvite Tartarum!" (2) "What you do in life echoes in eternity!" Latin: "Quid agimus in vita resonabit per aeternitatem!"...

Ancient Greek, Greek Texts / 25.08.2013

I. THEORY OF ART Book Ten has the appearance of an appendix, written to justify, against anticipated or actual criticism, the attack on poets in Books Two and Three. It has been suggested that it should not be taken too seriously, and should be read as an attack on the extravagant claims made for the poets by Greek opinion, rather than as a serious attempt to state a philosophy of art. It is true that the Greeks treated the works of Homer as their Bible, and also, as we...