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Ancient Greek, Greek Texts / 14.12.2021

Introduction: At the assembly which Telemachus calls at the beginning of this book, he is critical of the behaviour of the suitors, one of whom, Antinous, then blames Telemachus' mother, Penelope, for deceiving the suitors, and urges him to send her to her father so another marriage can be arranged for her. After Telemachus rejects this advice, the seer Halitherses interprets the flight of two eagles as indicating that the suitors are putting themselves at great risk by their misbehaviour, as Odysseus will soon be returning home to take his...

Ancient Greek, Greek Texts / 20.11.2021

Introduction: One of the peculiarities of the "Odyssey" is that Odysseus, the Greek hero, whose travails are the subject of this book, does not actually make an appearance himself until Book V. Indeed, the first four books describe the plight of Odysseus' only son Telemachus in the prolonged absence of his father, and how he responds to the situation of great uncertainty in which he finds himself.  Because of his particular interest in the character of Odysseus, Sabidius has previously prioritised translations of Books V-XII, but, before embarking upon...

Ancient Greek, Greek Texts / 29.10.2021

Introduction: Book XI sees the beginning of the third successive day of fighting, a very long day, which features the most sustained and violent episode of fighting in the "Iliad", and which continues until the end of Book XVIII, at which point the Achaeans' defensive wall has been breached, their ships fired, and Patroclus has been killed by Hector. All this is in fulfilment of Zeus' promise to Thetis that the Achaeans will be punished because of Agamemnon's mistreatment of her son, Achilles. Book XI is essential to the plot...