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Latin Grammar / 08.10.2017

On occasions, Virgil permits himself a certain licence in his metrication, when he lengthens syllables at the end of words which would normally be short both by nature and by position. Ancient authorities commentating on these irregularities explain them either by focusing on their position in the verse, or by suggesting that Virgil's usage in these instances reflects that these syllables had been long in quantity in earlier periods of Latin poetry. With regard to the first of these tentative explanations, it is indeed the case that in...

Latin Translation / 19.09.2010

Ll. 464-527. Towards the end of the fourth and final book of his magical poem, the "Georgics", ostensibly a guide to country living, Virgil recounts the tragic tale of Orpheus, a famous musician from Northern Greece, whose singing and lyre-playing enchanted the whole of nature. When his beloved wife, Eurydice, died of a snake-bite, he was overcome with grief and decided to go down to the Underworld to try to recover her. (The text of this extract comes from the "Cambridge Latin Anthology", Cambridge University Press, 1996.) He, himself,...